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Scenes from the vibrant Naropa community

Website Resources

Naropa Home Page

The website home for all things Naropa. Specifically of note are the student testimonials and the “Naropa Now” section which highlights our most recent happenings and initiatives.

Naropa Home Page
Mission, Culture & Inclusive Community

A page outlining the division responsible for mission integration at the university.

Mission, Culture & Inclusive Community

This page shows the many ways a potential donor can give to Naropa.

Naropa's 50th Anniversary

Showcases the many ways we are celebrating Naropa’s 50th Anniversary in 2024.

Naropa's 50th Anniversary
Naropa University Timeline

An online version of the timeline that was installed at the Nalanda Campus, highlighting key important dates and figures who have come through Naropa over its first 50 years.

Naropa University Timeline
Virtual Campus Tour

Provides a way interested parties can tour Naropa’s campus without coming to Boulder. 

Virtual Campus Tour
Campus Transition Plan

This page is a resource for all who are concerned about the Arapahoe Campus sale. 

Campus Transition Plan
Clinical Mental Health Counseling

This page serves as the home for the MA in Clinical Mental Health Counseling. Students can then seek more information about the different degree concentrations. 

Clinical Mental Health Counseling
BA Psychology Online Program Page

This page is reflective of the format all academic program pages follow. 

BA Psychology Online Program Page
The Naropa Difference

Learn more about how Naropa University, the first accredited institution in the West to pioneer contemplative education, integrates mindfulness with rigorous academics.

The Naropa Difference
Naropa Community Counseling

The home for Naropa’s Community Counseling Center that provides affordable and transformative mental health care services to the Boulder community. 

Naropa Community Counseling
Keating-Schachter Center for Interspirituality

The Keating-Schachter Center ( is dedicated to bringing genuine spiritual wisdom into education, creating opportunities for university students and staff to interact with genuine wisdom holders from the world’s spiritual traditions. 

Keating-Schachter Center for Interspirituality

Listen to Our Podcast!


Episode 11. Ramon Parish: Embodied Education

Ramon Parish is an adjunct instructor in Naropa’s environmental studies department currently teaching a course on Environmental Justice....

Episode 28. Deborah Bowman: Transpersonal Therapy Program

We are excited to announce this week’s episode features Naropa faculty Deborah Bowman, Dean of the Graduate School of Counseling and founder of the Transpersonal Counseling Psychology and the Wilderness...

Episode 62. Jim Jobson: A Journey Through Naropa’s Early Years

Buddha Bomb is the chosen musical performance name of Naropa alumnus and software developer, James Jobson. As CEO of a Boulder software company, he created and marketed a major software...

Episode 72. Joanna Macy: The Work That Reconnects (Part 1)

We are honored to announce this week’s episode is the first of a two part series with special guest Joanna Macy, PhD, scholar of Buddhism, general systems theory, and deep...

Episode 78. Charlotte Rotterdam: Courage in Contemplative Education

The newest episode of our university podcast, ‘Mindful U at Naropa University,’ is out on iTunes, Stitcher, Fireside, and Spotify now! We are excited to announce this week’s episode features...


Episode 82. Dr. Sara Lewis: Psychedelic Assisted Therapy

The newest episode of our university podcast, ‘Mindful U at Naropa University,’ is out on iTunes, Stitcher, and Spotify now! We are excited to announce this week’s episode features special...


Episode 85. Regina Smith: Mission, Culture, and Inclusive Community

The newest episode of our podcast, Mindful U, is out on Apple, Spotify, and Stitcher now! We are happy to announce this week’s episode features Regina Smith, graduate of the...


Episode 89. Jordan Quaglia: The Science of Mindfulness Training

What is mindfulness really doing to your mind? Jordan Quaglia, PhD, Director of Naropa’s Cognitive and Affective Science Lab, joins us to answer this and more on the science of...


Episode 91. Netanel Miles-Yepez: Comparative Religion

Mindful U Podcast 91. Netanel Miles-Yepez: Comparative Religion The newest episode of our podcast, Mindful U, is out on Apple, Spotify, and Stitcher now! We are happy to announce this...

In Naropa Institute’s inspiring opening convocation in June of 1974, Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche called for “relighting the pilot light” of American higher education. Those of us present who were to become Naropa’s founding year-round faculty members had no idea how that might occur, but Rinpoche had tremendous faith that we could figure it out. He guided aspects of Naropa’s curriculum, approach, and vision, but left the implementation up to us. We knew that meditation practice was a key, as it had shaped our own artistic, psychological and academic journeys in such important ways. But when it came to designing courses and teaching our students, we were unsure exactly how to do things differently.

When Naropa’s year round program opened in January of 1978, the small circle of full-time faculty began to experiment, workshopping our courses, brainstorming our curricula and co-teaching across our respective disciplines. Rinpoche’s influence had brought a palpable excitement to learning in an atmosphere of inquiry and creative expression, and we wanted to do the same. Like ancient India’s Nalanda University, Rin-poche was clear that Naropa was not to be a Buddhist seminary. He reminded us, “We don’t want to lay our trip on anyone,” as in catechismic doctrinal learning.

Instead, he wished to create an open environment of inquiry, assuring us that when we bring East and West together “the sparks will fly”. It was true, from the very beginning, the Naropa classroom was special—alive, engaged, deeply personal. We wanted to discover the “secret sauce” that made this so and strengthen it so that it could grow over the decades.

Watch Naropa on YouTube

Transform Yourself, Transform the World

Created for social media, this oneminute video captures the essence of a Naropa education.  

50th Anniversary

A panoramic view from the roots of Naropa’s founding to its prevalence in the present day. 

Mission, Culture & Inclusive Community

The intersection and efforts behind the MCIC division at Naropa, which is considered the institutional guardian of Naropa’s ethos. 

Naropa College: A Transformative Student Experience

Highlighting the undergraduate experience at Naropa.  

Transfer to Naropa

An animated illustration of the ways that a Naropa education feels different from the traditional college experience. 

🌼 Humans of Naropa: Lodi Siefer

“Recently in the larger field, social justice and earth justice have people looking deeper and saying, oh, the same extractive and exploitive systems underlie both and then that ripples out into everything. This is our collective home, there is no other planet, and we're all in this together, whether we agree with each other or not. So to me, when I say climate justice, it is all of it— it's food systems, it's transportation, it's housing, it's wage theft, it's immigration issues, it's all of those things that are part of a particular narrative that sees us as separate from one another and that it's possible for someone to benefit while others are oppressed. That’s just not how things actually work long term; it’s wonderful that we live on a planet where that just isn't the truth. We have to realize we are completely inseparable and dependent upon each other. Both on other humans but also every breath I take is a gift from the trees and every out breath, without any effort on my part, is food for them. We were built to be co-developing and we evolved to be a keystone species on this planet. Some things I’ve learned from Indigenous scholars like Lyla June is that in the geological record wherever humans appeared in a place, biodiversity grew. We are capable of being caretakers of this planet and I think we're actually wired for that much more than we’re wired for fear or loss of that sense of connectedness.” 

Lodi is an alumnx of the MA of Contemplative Psychotherapy program and former adjunct faculty for the MA in Clinical Mental Health Counseling in the Somatic-based and Buddhism-Informed concentrations. They are now the co-director of the Climate Justice Hive—a Boulder organization that acts as the connective tissue for many local climate justice organizations, making it easier for them to coordinate and collaborate across sectors. Through the lessons the Hive learns in movement organizing and fiscal hosting for grassroots efforts, the model will be offered and extended to further cities across the US and beyond.

🌼 Humans of Naropa: Lodi Siefer

“Recently in the larger field, social justice and earth justice have people looking deeper and saying, oh, the same extractive and exploitive systems underlie both and then that ripples out into everything. This is our collective home, there is no other planet, and we`re all in this together, whether we agree with each other or not. So to me, when I say climate justice, it is all of it— it`s food systems, it`s transportation, it`s housing, it`s wage theft, it`s immigration issues, it`s all of those things that are part of a particular narrative that sees us as separate from one another and that it`s possible for someone to benefit while others are oppressed. That’s just not how things actually work long term; it’s wonderful that we live on a planet where that just isn`t the truth. We have to realize we are completely inseparable and dependent upon each other. Both on other humans but also every breath I take is a gift from the trees and every out breath, without any effort on my part, is food for them. We were built to be co-developing and we evolved to be a keystone species on this planet. Some things I’ve learned from Indigenous scholars like Lyla June is that in the geological record wherever humans appeared in a place, biodiversity grew. We are capable of being caretakers of this planet and I think we`re actually wired for that much more than we’re wired for fear or loss of that sense of connectedness.”

Lodi is an alumnx of the MA of Contemplative Psychotherapy program and former adjunct faculty for the MA in Clinical Mental Health Counseling in the Somatic-based and Buddhism-Informed concentrations. They are now the co-director of the Climate Justice Hive—a Boulder organization that acts as the connective tissue for many local climate justice organizations, making it easier for them to coordinate and collaborate across sectors. Through the lessons the Hive learns in movement organizing and fiscal hosting for grassroots efforts, the model will be offered and extended to further cities across the US and beyond.

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🌼 Humans of Naropa: Drew Grindley 

“It really makes me think about my favorite therapy modality, which is Internal Family Systems. I love it because it helps bring this view of ministering care to yourself as you would another person. Like, what would you do if there was a child here in front of you? You would care for them. You would give them what they need. Sometimes, it’s hard for people to recognize the child that we were still lives in us. In IFS, you get to find the different parts of yourself, the different selves with different ages that are within you and start caring for them. And it's really beautiful knowing that I don't have to be all the same person, I can be so many different aspects. Its like what Whitman says: I contain multitudes. I can say that I hate my dad and I can say I love my dad, because they’re each part of it. And I'm passionate about sharing that with other people and letting them see that vision of the 13-year-old, or 6-year-old version of you that’s still alive. In cases with trauma it's more pronounced, but we all have these multitudes that are there and waiting on you. There's no one else that can come in and say: you're okay, I'm here for you now, your suffering isn't over, but I'll be in it with you. That older, mature you can be the parent, the provider and the caretaker that younger you needed and maybe didn't have. And you can say to those parts of you—it's okay, I'm here. And that's part of being a healthy adult is learning how to hold myself in my youth and in that insecurity and keep moving.”

Drew is a graduate student of the Clinical Mental Health Counseling: Mindfulness-Based Transpersonal track. She is an avid writer, rock climber, gamer, and reader. She’s interested in getting involved in the applied research of human sexuality with Naropa professors and AASECT and making a career of helping others on their healing path to authenticity, integrity, and wholeness.

🌼 Humans of Naropa: Drew Grindley

“It really makes me think about my favorite therapy modality, which is Internal Family Systems. I love it because it helps bring this view of ministering care to yourself as you would another person. Like, what would you do if there was a child here in front of you? You would care for them. You would give them what they need. Sometimes, it’s hard for people to recognize the child that we were still lives in us. In IFS, you get to find the different parts of yourself, the different selves with different ages that are within you and start caring for them. And it`s really beautiful knowing that I don`t have to be all the same person, I can be so many different aspects. Its like what Whitman says: I contain multitudes. I can say that I hate my dad and I can say I love my dad, because they’re each part of it. And I`m passionate about sharing that with other people and letting them see that vision of the 13-year-old, or 6-year-old version of you that’s still alive. In cases with trauma it`s more pronounced, but we all have these multitudes that are there and waiting on you. There`s no one else that can come in and say: you`re okay, I`m here for you now, your suffering isn`t over, but I`ll be in it with you. That older, mature you can be the parent, the provider and the caretaker that younger you needed and maybe didn`t have. And you can say to those parts of you—it`s okay, I`m here. And that`s part of being a healthy adult is learning how to hold myself in my youth and in that insecurity and keep moving.”

Drew is a graduate student of the Clinical Mental Health Counseling: Mindfulness-Based Transpersonal track. She is an avid writer, rock climber, gamer, and reader. She’s interested in getting involved in the applied research of human sexuality with Naropa professors and AASECT and making a career of helping others on their healing path to authenticity, integrity, and wholeness.

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Humans of Naropa: Austin Gates 🌼

“If I had one spiritual belief, it would be that the point of nature and evolution is authentic expression. There is no such thing as the optimization of nature. Nature isn't evolving to be optimized and perfect. It is optimized to be good enough so that it can be free to express itself—like birds dancing, or flowers doing what they do, or the way certain seeds move through the air or can attach to animals or spread out from their roots. There's this one particular plant in the Amazon that looks like half a coconut, and it sheds off these little paper thin layers with its seed in the middle, and then it takes off like a paper airplane that flies through the jungle until it lands. And just the fact that it’s been evolved to do that is such a beautiful thing. What a full expression, like little paper planes that descends everywhere. Things like that are just absolutely to be admired about nature. That's definitely a spiritual belief I hold. That and the view that the ground of all being is ultimately good and that evil is the distortion of the good. So I think the ground that allows for existence to express itself fully is ultimately good.” 

Austin completed his Bachelor’s in Psychology at Naropa in 2023 and is a first year graduate student of the Mindfulness-Based Transpersonal Counseling program. Outside of Naropa he’s a neuro-feedback technician, practices jujitsu, likes hiking, and takes trips in his truck. He leads the Radical Futurist Student Group, and even helped initiate a new class next semester that will be offered to students by Naropa professors in the Spring on Radical Futurism: an intensive weekend class for creating collaborative dialogue and creative solutions for moving forward in an increasingly complex world.

Humans of Naropa: Austin Gates 🌼

“If I had one spiritual belief, it would be that the point of nature and evolution is authentic expression. There is no such thing as the optimization of nature. Nature isn`t evolving to be optimized and perfect. It is optimized to be good enough so that it can be free to express itself—like birds dancing, or flowers doing what they do, or the way certain seeds move through the air or can attach to animals or spread out from their roots. There`s this one particular plant in the Amazon that looks like half a coconut, and it sheds off these little paper thin layers with its seed in the middle, and then it takes off like a paper airplane that flies through the jungle until it lands. And just the fact that it’s been evolved to do that is such a beautiful thing. What a full expression, like little paper planes that descends everywhere. Things like that are just absolutely to be admired about nature. That`s definitely a spiritual belief I hold. That and the view that the ground of all being is ultimately good and that evil is the distortion of the good. So I think the ground that allows for existence to express itself fully is ultimately good.”

Austin completed his Bachelor’s in Psychology at Naropa in 2023 and is a first year graduate student of the Mindfulness-Based Transpersonal Counseling program. Outside of Naropa he’s a neuro-feedback technician, practices jujitsu, likes hiking, and takes trips in his truck. He leads the Radical Futurist Student Group, and even helped initiate a new class next semester that will be offered to students by Naropa professors in the Spring on Radical Futurism: an intensive weekend class for creating collaborative dialogue and creative solutions for moving forward in an increasingly complex world.

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🌼 Humans of Naropa: Celeste Da Silva Cunha

“As a first-generation student, I am the first in my immediate family of grandparents, parents, and siblings to go to university. I feel that a lineage chain of education for the women in my family has been broken, and I am grateful to be the generational chain breaker having received the opportunity to attend Naropa as a mature age international student. The students and faculty are what make Naropa the magical institution that it is. It has given me the freedom to expand on previous knowledge, enhance my career and life interests, integrating both Eastern and Western philosophy into a mindfulness-based practice. It takes courage, confidence, and discipline to go back to college and enter spaces where everyone is half your age. Naropa has offered just the right amount of sanity and chaos for creativity to emerge, as most students who attend are not your average age and are looking for diversity in a liberal arts education to transform their lives. I would like to encourage those who are entering the next stage of life and have been thinking of going back to college to take a leap into the unknown. Challenge yourself, ask questions, speak up, don’t be afraid to stand out, you were born to be different, that is the only way to experience this one precious human life you have been given.”

Celeste is a senior with a double major in Psychology and Creative Writing and Literature. She co-chairs the Student Union of Naropa (SUN), is a Resident Assistant, and founded the student group InterNations in 2021, for international and out of state student to connect which she is now an administrator for. Also a former yoga teacher, her interests lie in somatic mind-body movement and embodied, experimental poetry and children’s literature. She is in the middle of publishing her first children’s book this year on yoga and mindfulness. She is a mother of 4 adult children and in her spare time, enjoys yoga practice, walking, hiking, reading, writing and traveling. She is a life-long learner and believes that everyone deserves a chance to be educated and pursue their dreams.

🌼 Humans of Naropa: Celeste Da Silva Cunha

“As a first-generation student, I am the first in my immediate family of grandparents, parents, and siblings to go to university. I feel that a lineage chain of education for the women in my family has been broken, and I am grateful to be the generational chain breaker having received the opportunity to attend Naropa as a mature age international student. The students and faculty are what make Naropa the magical institution that it is. It has given me the freedom to expand on previous knowledge, enhance my career and life interests, integrating both Eastern and Western philosophy into a mindfulness-based practice. It takes courage, confidence, and discipline to go back to college and enter spaces where everyone is half your age. Naropa has offered just the right amount of sanity and chaos for creativity to emerge, as most students who attend are not your average age and are looking for diversity in a liberal arts education to transform their lives. I would like to encourage those who are entering the next stage of life and have been thinking of going back to college to take a leap into the unknown. Challenge yourself, ask questions, speak up, don’t be afraid to stand out, you were born to be different, that is the only way to experience this one precious human life you have been given.”

Celeste is a senior with a double major in Psychology and Creative Writing and Literature. She co-chairs the Student Union of Naropa (SUN), is a Resident Assistant, and founded the student group InterNations in 2021, for international and out of state student to connect which she is now an administrator for. Also a former yoga teacher, her interests lie in somatic mind-body movement and embodied, experimental poetry and children’s literature. She is in the middle of publishing her first children’s book this year on yoga and mindfulness. She is a mother of 4 adult children and in her spare time, enjoys yoga practice, walking, hiking, reading, writing and traveling. She is a life-long learner and believes that everyone deserves a chance to be educated and pursue their dreams.

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🌼 Humans of Naropa: Cari Lewis 

“I had never got involved with my community in this way before. I didn’t want to be part of the stereotypes. I grew up around politics. I grew up in the D.C. metropolitan area, my stepdad worked for the government at one point and so politics were part of my experience growing up and it was terrible. The energy was heavy, and it was overwhelming. So for awhile, I just thought, I'm going to focus on my bubble and what I can control and live life peacefully. However, when MCIC spoke at orientation, and I mean all of MCIC: JEDI, the Joanna Macy Center, CACE, it was like, wait, I want to be part of this. I want to help my community for the first time. My heart strings were pulled.”

Cari is a first year graduate student in the Clinical Mental Health Counseling program with a Mindfulness-based Transpersonal focus. They serve as a behavioral health specialist doing boots on the ground work at a UC Health rehabilitation facility working with addictions and disorders, and are also the Mission Culture and Inclusive Community (MCIC) graduate assistant work-study. Their dream is to open a wellness center after completing a graduate degree where people can come for mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional health.

🌼 Humans of Naropa: Cari Lewis

“I had never got involved with my community in this way before. I didn’t want to be part of the stereotypes. I grew up around politics. I grew up in the D.C. metropolitan area, my stepdad worked for the government at one point and so politics were part of my experience growing up and it was terrible. The energy was heavy, and it was overwhelming. So for awhile, I just thought, I`m going to focus on my bubble and what I can control and live life peacefully. However, when MCIC spoke at orientation, and I mean all of MCIC: JEDI, the Joanna Macy Center, CACE, it was like, wait, I want to be part of this. I want to help my community for the first time. My heart strings were pulled.”

Cari is a first year graduate student in the Clinical Mental Health Counseling program with a Mindfulness-based Transpersonal focus. They serve as a behavioral health specialist doing boots on the ground work at a UC Health rehabilitation facility working with addictions and disorders, and are also the Mission Culture and Inclusive Community (MCIC) graduate assistant work-study. Their dream is to open a wellness center after completing a graduate degree where people can come for mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional health.

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🌼 Humans of Naropa: Robi Robichaud

“I definitely wasn't asked to put this amount of hours into the Naropa recording studio, but it was something that gave me infinite energy—one of those moments in my life where I feel like I'm tapping into some type of purpose or dharma. It's always an ever changing relationship with how much time that I'm able to spend making music, but there's just this drive there. I don't know where it comes from, but it makes me really happy to do it. And it's been really fun to learn to use the technology and bring ideas to life in a tangible way. 

I see music as a really powerful force for bringing people together. They could be divided in so many ways that they perceive, and then there they are singing to the same song. It’s a great feeling. So I see that as one purpose in this life to bring people together around music. I've had a lot of fun with the community at Naropa where we're doing just that, so I'm grateful to be tapping into some of that magic.” 

Robi is a junior Interdisciplinary major focusing on music, meditation, yoga and teaching. She is a student work-study at Naropa’s recording studio and is passionate about helping others bring their creations to life. She produced an album called The River, which can be found on Spotify, featuring Naropa students and Boulder local singer-song writers, rappers, and spoken work poets. Outside of her music passions, she also runs a free food kitchen that goes to regional events and feeds the people with the help of food donations and other volunteers.

🌼 Humans of Naropa: Robi Robichaud

“I definitely wasn`t asked to put this amount of hours into the Naropa recording studio, but it was something that gave me infinite energy—one of those moments in my life where I feel like I`m tapping into some type of purpose or dharma. It`s always an ever changing relationship with how much time that I`m able to spend making music, but there`s just this drive there. I don`t know where it comes from, but it makes me really happy to do it. And it`s been really fun to learn to use the technology and bring ideas to life in a tangible way.

I see music as a really powerful force for bringing people together. They could be divided in so many ways that they perceive, and then there they are singing to the same song. It’s a great feeling. So I see that as one purpose in this life to bring people together around music. I`ve had a lot of fun with the community at Naropa where we`re doing just that, so I`m grateful to be tapping into some of that magic.”

Robi is a junior Interdisciplinary major focusing on music, meditation, yoga and teaching. She is a student work-study at Naropa’s recording studio and is passionate about helping others bring their creations to life. She produced an album called The River, which can be found on Spotify, featuring Naropa students and Boulder local singer-song writers, rappers, and spoken work poets. Outside of her music passions, she also runs a free food kitchen that goes to regional events and feeds the people with the help of food donations and other volunteers.

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🌼 Humans of Naropa: Stephan Taylor 
“What’s made me stay at Naropa is the people. A lot of the students I've met and worked with have been awesome people, and I’ve had some really great supervisors and coworkers here. I think the thing that I love about our students and everyone here is how open to change Naropians are or at least accepting of change. And we may not necessarily be happy that it’s happening, but we roll with it, we process our feelings, and we go with it. Because that’s life. I think that's an amazing quality and it’s a strength to be built upon. And you don't find that capability in many other places. I think there's such a wanting to hold on to things, even to the point where it's unhealthy—like in other places where I've been there is a trying to get back to something, and we can't go back to that and maybe the thing we’re trying to get back to was never what it was. For example, I went to school at LSU which was founded in 1860 and our first president was General Sherman, who was a union general who burnt Atlanta, and there were people there who really wanted to hold on to things from the past that were just never true.
The other thing I love is that so many people here are seekers and they want to find truth and that's a really cool thing. Now sometimes that leads them into places that I'm like…maybe that part is not the best, but you live and you learn. At the same time, the fact that people are actively wanting to seek truth, particularly in a world where so many people are perfectly fine with a comfortable lie is also another strength to be built upon.”
Stephan is the Director of Campus & Residential Life at Naropa. He’s worked in Higher Ed institutions since 2013, and prior to that his jobs included being a film extra in movies and TV! When not working he loves karaoke, tabletop role playing games, nature, science and history documentaries, and is currently working on a Doctorate in Higher Education & Student Affairs.

🌼 Humans of Naropa: Stephan Taylor

“What’s made me stay at Naropa is the people. A lot of the students I`ve met and worked with have been awesome people, and I’ve had some really great supervisors and coworkers here. I think the thing that I love about our students and everyone here is how open to change Naropians are or at least accepting of change. And we may not necessarily be happy that it’s happening, but we roll with it, we process our feelings, and we go with it. Because that’s life. I think that`s an amazing quality and it’s a strength to be built upon. And you don`t find that capability in many other places. I think there`s such a wanting to hold on to things, even to the point where it`s unhealthy—like in other places where I`ve been there is a trying to get back to something, and we can`t go back to that and maybe the thing we’re trying to get back to was never what it was. For example, I went to school at LSU which was founded in 1860 and our first president was General Sherman, who was a union general who burnt Atlanta, and there were people there who really wanted to hold on to things from the past that were just never true.

The other thing I love is that so many people here are seekers and they want to find truth and that`s a really cool thing. Now sometimes that leads them into places that I`m like…maybe that part is not the best, but you live and you learn. At the same time, the fact that people are actively wanting to seek truth, particularly in a world where so many people are perfectly fine with a comfortable lie is also another strength to be built upon.”

Stephan is the Director of Campus & Residential Life at Naropa. He’s worked in Higher Ed institutions since 2013, and prior to that his jobs included being a film extra in movies and TV! When not working he loves karaoke, tabletop role playing games, nature, science and history documentaries, and is currently working on a Doctorate in Higher Education & Student Affairs.

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Recent Social Media Posts

A little taste of our 24 Hour Sit-a-Thon led by Naropa's Center for the Advancement of Contemplative Education. Community members were encouraged to come by and sit as different teachers led cycles of meditation over the course of a full day. 

The depth of space created by the collective was palpable to all who participated. Thank you to everyone who came and sat with us online and in person! May the depth of being we felt carry with us as we go forth and ripple outward for the benefit of all beings 💜

#mediation #contemplativepractice #24hourchallenge #mindfuluniversity #contemplativeeduation #naropahighlight
The 50th Anniversary Gala was last night, and it was a delight to see so many long time faculty and friends in their Naropa best! Here’s a glimpse into the magic of the night as we honored the past and invoked the future for the next 50 years ✨🔮
Naropa is proud to launch one of the country's first psychedelic minor programs for undergraduate students starting Fall 2024! ⁣
The 12-credit BA Psychedelic Studies Minor offers a humanities and social science-based approach to studying psychedelics. Students will explore sacred and ceremonial contexts, emerging clinical applications, policy implications, healing justice frameworks, and more.⁣
While our program does not aim to train students to conduct psychedelic-assisted therapy, it serves as a springboard for thoughtful exploration of key issues in the field. ⁣
Thanks to the @denverpost for covering this announcement—you can find more info at link in bio!

In the Media

"Incredibly unique": Naropa offers rare yoga studies degrees in the new, growing field
"Incredibly unique": Naropa offers rare yoga studies degrees in the new, growing field

This article highlights Naropa’s distinctive yoga studies degrees, positioning the university as a leader in this emerging academic field, combining contemplative practice with rigorous academic training.

Naropa expands online degrees, 40% of students in programs
Naropa expands online degrees, 40% of students in programs

This article focuses on Naropa’s growing online presence, with 40% of students now enrolled in online programs, showcasing the university’s adaptability and commitment to providing flexible learning opportunities.

Naropa starts new online environmental studies degree
Naropa starts new online environmental studies degree

Naropa’s introduction of a new online degree in environmental studies is featured, highlighting the university’s forward-thinking approach to sustainability education and its response to growing student demand for flexible, impact-driven academic programs.

University in Boulder offers a minor in psychedelics
University in Boulder offers a minor in psychedelics

This news segment covers Naropa’s innovative approach to integrating psychedelic studies into its curriculum with a new minor, cementing the university’s position at the forefront of the intersection of education, mental health, and alternative therapies.

Boulder's Naropa University puts 'deep trust and confidence' in graduates
Boulder's Naropa University puts 'deep trust and confidence' in graduates

This news segment covers Naropa’s innovative approach to integrating psychedelic studies into its curriculum with a new minor, cementing the university’s position at the forefront of the intersection of education, mental health, and alternative therapies.

Boulder's Naropa University Celebrates 50th Anniversary
Boulder's Naropa University Celebrates 50th Anniversary

In this feature, Naropa’s 50th anniversary is celebrated, reflecting on the university’s rich history and its role as a pioneer in contemplative, interdisciplinary education while looking ahead to an exciting future.

Guest opinion: Charles G. Lief: Naropa is using its resources to realize a bright future
Guest opinion: Charles G. Lief: Naropa is using its resources to realize a bright future

Naropa’s president, Charles G. Lief, shares his perspective on the university’s strategic direction and future initiatives, emphasizing how Naropa is leveraging its resources to ensure long-term success and growth.

Religious Institutions Embrace AI as an Educational Tool
Religious Institutions Embrace AI as an Educational Tool

Despite widespread concerns about AI among secular and nonsecular institutions, religious colleges are treating generative AI as a tool for lessons that go beyond academics and also focus on the whole person.


This is where experiential learning meets academic rigor. Where you challenge your intellect and uncover your potential. Where you discover the work you’re moved to do—then use it to transform our world.

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Contemplative education brings together the best of Western scholarship and Eastern world wisdom traditions. Therefore, your pursuit of wisdom at Naropa means learning both about academic subjects and about your own place in the world. This innovative approach places Naropa on the cutting edge of the newest and most effective methods of teaching and learning.  

Admissions & Aid

If you’re seeking an education that resonates with both personal fulfillment and global impact, Naropa could be your top choice. At Naropa, you will experience a comprehensive curriculum that integrates the best of Eastern and Western educational approaches. Explore how Naropa can fuel your journey of intellectual and spiritual development.

Life at Naropa

Through its incredibly vibrant and welcoming community,  “Naropa offers a home for those who aren’t willing to conform to convention—the mystic, the healer, the prophet, the rebel, the artist, the revolutionary, the oddball—those who are incredible contributors to the evolution of society and of our planet.”—Core Associate Professor Zvi Ish-Shalom

The Naropa Difference

How is Naropa different from other universities? At Naropa, a liberal arts education balances rigorous academics with powerful interpersonal skills and self-awareness to educate the whole person. Naropa’s contemplative approach is inspired by Buddhist philosophy and the conviction that we can build a diverse, contemplative, enlightened society when we have transformed education to affirm the basic goodness of every person. 

About Naropa

Located in Boulder, Colorado, Naropa University is a Buddhist-inspired, nonsectarian liberal arts university that is recognized as the birthplace of the mindfulness movement. Naropa offers undergraduate and graduate degree programs that emphasize professional and personal growth, intellectual development, and cultivating compassion. 

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Naropa Campuses Closed on Friday, March 15, 2024

Due to adverse weather conditions, all Naropa campuses will be closed Friday, March 15, 2024.  All classes that require a physical presence on campus will be canceled. All online and low-residency programs are to meet as scheduled.

Based on the current weather forecast, the Healing with the Ancestors Talk & Breeze of Simplicity program scheduled for Friday evening, Saturday, and Sunday will be held as planned.

Staff that do not work remotely or are scheduled to work on campus, can work remotely. Staff that routinely work remotely are expected to continue to do so.

As a reminder, notifications will be sent by e-mail and the LiveSafe app.  

Regardless of Naropa University’s decision, if you ever believe the weather conditions are unsafe, please contact your supervisor and professors.  Naropa University trusts you to make thoughtful and wise decisions based on the conditions and situation in which you find yourself in.