Naropa Center for Bhutan Partnerships
Naropa University has a longstanding relationship to the Kingdom of Bhutan through the founder Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche’s extensive time on retreat and heartfelt connection to the royal family of Bhutan and its people and culture. Naropa University (NU) and the Royal University of Bhutan (RUB) have had a memorandum of understanding since 2010 which confirms our commitment to programmatic collaboration and academic exchange. As the Kingdom of Bhutan increasingly opens to the world, many of the social problems of modernity are increasingly present. Naropa University has partnered with the Royal University of Bhutan to collaborate in the areas of contemplative education and psychology to meet those concerns and to further build upon our historical ties.
Alumni spotlight
“This experience gave me so much.”

Max Prah, Centre College, Bhutan Spring 2016:
“These have been the richest five months of my life so far. … I have gained more wisdom, love, happiness, and humility than I would ever have thought possible.”
Andrea Becker, Naropa University, Bhutan Spring 2018:
“I have loved this program so much. It is a good program design and I am infinitely grateful to have been accepted as a part of it.”
Sophia Jones, Naropa University, Bhutan Spring 2018:
“I feel that it is nearly impossible for me to verbalize my experience… I know that something has been seriously transformed within me I can feel it in every step that I take.”
Our programs and initiatives
Collaborative Initiatives between Royal University of Bhutan and Naropa University
Bhutan Study Abroad Program
Post-Graduate Diploma in Guidance and Counseling in Bhutan
Masters in Contemplative Psychotherapy
Faculty exchange
Student exchange