In the aftermath of the Paris Climate Talks, are you wondering whether to turn your attention to the local or the global? The answer is both.
Naropa faculty Dr. Jeanine Canty recently led a group of academics and activists to create a series of articles that looks at the relationship between global and local action, current social movements, and planetary healing. They were recently published in philosopher and systems scientist Ervin Laszlo’s journal, World Futures: The Journal of New Paradigm Research.
The special edition of the journal is called Globalism and Localization in the Context of the Ecological and Social Crisis and includes articles by Jeanine Canty, activist and academic Randall Amster (Georgetown), architect, design strategist, and community justice leader Carl C. Anthony (Breakthrough Communities Project), social ecologist and climate justice advocate Brian Tokar (Institute of Social Ecology and University of Vermont), and climate justice activist, community leader, and psychologist M. Paloma Pavel (Breakthrough Communities Project). Dr. Canty states “In presenting this special edition, our aim is to both spark continued dialogues as well as positive action towards climate justice and a future for the planet that is sustainable and healing.”
An overview of the special edition is available at: