Gender EquityConfidentiality


If a Complainant requests confidentiality, the University will take all reasonable steps to investigate and respond to the Complaint consistent with the request for confidentiality and to the extent permitted by law, but such a request may hamper the University’s investigation and hearing, and confidentiality cannot be guaranteed. The Title IX Coordinator will evaluate all requests for confidentiality in the context of the University’s responsibility to provide a safe and nondiscriminatory environment to all members of its community. Other university personnel are not permitted to promise or ensure confidentiality of information.  

All other faculty and staff are deemed mandated reporters and must report any suspected or known incident of protected class harassment and/or discrimination including gender discrimination, sexual misconduct or relationship violence to the Title IX Coordinator. All mandated reporters will use best efforts to inform potential complainants of this duty to report before any information that the complainant may want to otherwise withhold as confidential is shared. The University will complete any publicly available record keeping, including Clery Act reporting and disclosure, without inclusion of any personally identifiable information about the Complainant. 

To submit a Title IX Incident Report, please visit our Naropa Reporting Form and select “Gender Equity/Relationship Violence/Sexual Misconduct and Discrimation/Harrassment” as the report type.