The Naropa University Student CARE Team believes students do not have to tackle difficulties on their own. The team, based out of the Dean of Students Office, serves as a support and case management team for students going through challenging situations. Transition, academic progress and behavior, overall wellbeing, basic needs, and conflict resolution are all areas where students often struggle. Referrals for academic, wellbeing, student conduct, and interpersonal conflict can be sent to this student success team.
Program Information
- Dean of Students
- Title IX
- Student Accountability
- Wellness
- Academic Advising and Student Success
- Campus and Residential Life
- Career Life and Development
- Facilities and Operations
What to Report
- Academic concerns
- Wellbeing
- Student Conduct
- COVID-19 concerns
- Gender Equity
- Relationship Violence
- Sexual Misconduct
- Discrimination/harassment
- Classroom conflict
- Interpersonal conflicts
The CARE team is not an emergency response team. Please call 911 in the case of an emergency and/or campus Security & Safety 720-309-8211, then put in a student of concern/CARE team referral. To speak with a counselor immediately, faculty, staff, and others concerned about a student can call 1-833-434-1217.
How to Report a Concern?
If you are worried about a student, please complete a CARE team referral through the Naropa Reporting Form.
When reporting a concern, please be as descriptive as possible by providing specific examples of observed behavior, direct quotes, and attach/copy/paste any email exchanges, concerning writings, assignments, posts, etc. Please also indicate what steps other than sending the report you have taken to support the student.
We have found that when you have a relationship with a student, it is helpful to let the student know that you plan to make a referral based on your concerns. Let them know why you are concerned, and how you think our office can be helpful. Remind them that the referral is designed to get them support and resources.
You might say to the student:
“Thank you for sharing this with me. I know this took a lot of courage and vulnerability. There is a team on campus which helps students access success resources. I am going to make a referral and they will contact you. You may find it helpful to meet with them, talk with, and work with someone to ensure you are getting the right support”.
What Happens Once a Report Is Received?
When a report is submitted, it goes into a secure database only accessible to authorized individuals. Once the report is received, it is reviewed by a member of the CARE team assigned to contact the student. Students may hear from us via email, phone, Microsoft Teams, or may be asked to meet in person. Once contact has been made, the student will receive resources and support to chart out a successful path forward.
We appreciate your trust in our team! Please note, all CARE team follow-up strategies, outreaches, and outcomes are confidential and, generally, cannot be shared, except on a need-to-know-basis. Student information and their educational records are protected under FERPA. Thank you for your support of all Naropa students.