Andrew Schelling
Core Professor
Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics, Wisdom Traditions Department
Andrew Schelling is a poet, translator from the poetry of India, essay writer, and editor of anthologies. Before arriving at Naropa University he was active in the Bay Area with a community of experimental writers, Zen practitioners, and wilderness advocates. He came to the Jack Kerouac School in 1990, and began teaching Sanskrit language for the Department of Religious Studies shortly after. He has been active in land use & ecological issues in the American West, is a student of natural history, and has taught for many years at Deer Park Institute in India. Among his twenty-five published titles are, most recently, a poetry collection The Facts at Dog Tank Spring; a folkloric volume regarding language, bohemian poets, and wilderness, Tracks Along the Left Coast; and three volumes of translated poetry from Shambhala Publications. His anthologies include Love and the Turning Seasons: India’s Poetry of Spiritual & Erotic Longing.
- Poetry: Old Growth, Tea Shack Interior, From the Arapaho Songbook, A Possible Bag, The Facts at Dog Tank Spring, and others.
- Translations: Dropping the Bow: Poems from Ancient India, For Love of the Dark One: Songs of Mirabai, The Cane Groves of Narmada River, Erotic Love Poems from India: the Amarushataka, Some Unquenchable Desire: Sanskrit Poems of the Buddhist Hermit Bhartrihari, Songs of the Sons & nDaughters of Buddha (with Anne Waldman).
- Essays & Prose: Tracks Along the Left Coast: Jaime de Angulo & Pacific Coast Culture, The Real People of Wind & Rain, Wild Form, Savage Grammar, The India Book.
- Anthologies (Editor): The Wisdom Anthology of North American Buddhist Poetry, The Oxford Anthology of Bhakti Literature, Love and the Turning Seasons, Disembodied Poetics: Annals of the Jack Kerouac School (with Anne Waldman).