PhD in Interdisciplinary Studies with a Concentration in Arts and Sciences and a Specialization in Peace Studies (Union Institute and University); MA (Vermont College of Norwich University); BA (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)
Courses Taught (1991-2022): Capstone Design / Capstone I / Capstone II / Civic Engagement Seminar / Coming to Voice / Community-based Learning and Action / Conflict Transformation: Theory and Practice / Contemplative Learning Seminar / Creative Writing and Literature; Dialogue and the Art of Peacemaking / Diversity Seminar / First-Year Seminar / Gateway to Design Thinking / Healing Strategies in Literature / Introduction to Peace and Conflict Studies / Introduction to Short Fiction / Journey to the Source / Peace Studies Internship / Skills for Peacebuilding: Leadership, Restorative Justice and Dialogue / Socially Engaged Spirituality / The Socially Engaged Imagination / Spiritual Models of Social Action / Women, Feminism and Peacemaking / Writer’s Craft / Writing and the Inquiring Mind
- Community Storytelling: Giving Voice to the 200-Year Present. Presented at the Assembly for Expanded Perspectives on Learning Annual Conference, YWCA of the Rockies, Estes Park, CO. (2019);
- Empowering Digital Citizens: The Role of Story and the Moral Imagination. Co-presented at the Continuums of Service Conference, Western Region of Campus Compact, Joan B. Kroc School of International Peace Studies, San Diego, CA. (2019);
- Leading Contemplative Lives of Commitment: A Narrative Inquiry. Co-presented at the Association for Contemplative Mind in Higher Education Annual Conference, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA. (2016);
- Nourishing Storytelling, Sustaining Communities: Digital Storytelling in the Front Range. Co-presented at the Conference on Community Writing: Building Engaged Infrastructure, University of Colorado at Boulder (2015);
- Haiku Attitude and Digital Storytelling in Peacebuilding. Presented at the Sixth International Digital Storytelling Conference (Voices of Change: Storywork in Activism), Smith College, Northhampton, MA. (2015);
- Celebrating Multimodal Learning: The Role of ePortfolio Festivals in Building Inclusive Communities. Presented at the Association for Authentic, Experiential and Evidence-Based Learning National Conference, Boston, MA. (2015);
- Eco-Digital Storytelling: Stories From and For the Web of Life. Co-presented at the Front Range Bioneers Conference, University of Colorado at Boulder (2015 & 2014);
- Peace Studies, Program Models. Presented at the Peace Forum on Peace Studies in the Developing World, World Buddhist Conference, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Thailand (2015);
- Book Review: The Open Hand. Journal of the Assembly for Expanded Perspectives on Learning. Vol. 20, Winter 2014-2015;
- The Work that Reconnects. Presented at The National Peace Academy Peacebuilding Peacelearning Conference, University of Colorado at Boulder (2012);
- Peace Education. Presented at the Peace and Justice Studies Association Annual Conference, Memphis, TN. (2011);
- Mohandas K. Gandhi and Joanna Macy: Reflections of the Role of Spirituality in their Social Activism. Co-presented at the Media, Spiritualities and Social Change Conference, University of Colorado at Boulder (2008);
- Inside-Out Prison Exchange. Presented at the Plowshares Preemptive Peacemaking Summer Academy, Manchester College, North Manchester, IN. (2005);
- Engaged Buddhism and Women in Black: Our Grief is Not a Cry for War. The Journal of the Assembly for Expanded Perspectives on Learning. Volume 9. (Winter 2003-04).