AcademicsGraduate AcademicsMaster of DivinityCenter for Contemplative Chaplaincy

Center for Contemplative Chaplaincy

The Center for Contemplative Chaplaincy was established in 2019 to provide Buddhist-inspired contemplative spiritual health training to MDiv degree students and members of the larger community interested in pursuing professional chaplaincy and spiritually-integrated approaches to related disciplines such as medicine, nursing, spiritual leadership, and counseling. The Center offers ACPE accredited Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) internships in community settings under the supervision of an ACPE-Certified Faculty Educator.  Clinical sites for learning include local hospitals, hospices, and non-profit settings, as well as innovative contexts such as eco-chaplaincy, where students learn to integrate contemplative practice, trauma-informed care, earth-based spirituality and interreligious/interspiritual approaches to spiritual health in caring for persons in crisis and transition.

ACPE Faculty

JoAnne S. Morris, DMin, MDiv, LMFT, ACPE-Certified Educator, lives in Louisville, KY, and is originally from the foothills of the Ozark Mountains in Arkansas. JoAnne holds a Master of Divinity and a Doctorate of Ministry in Pastoral Care and Counseling, a dual track with marriage and family therapy licensure. JoAnne has specialized in oncology and palliative care for the majority of her career. JoAnne maintains a private therapy practice that specializes in helping folks cope with chronic illness, chronic terminal illness, dying and grief as well as working with the LGBTQ+ community. She co-founded a hospital-based Diversity and Inclusion Committee and is passionate about anti-racism work. JoAnne comes from a Christian faith-of-origin and is endorsed by The Humanist Society as a Humanist Celebrant and Chaplain. As a Humanist, JoAnne’s contemplative practice is centered within the spiritual naturalist tradition.

Contemplative Chaplaincy Internship Programs

The Contemplative Chaplaincy internship program offers contemplatively based Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) training to degree and non-degree students of all religious and spiritual traditions. Through compassion-based group process learning and individual supervision, students cultivate the skills and presence needed to support the spiritual health and wellbeing of patients and clients in crisis.

Students meet live for a weekly class, over video-conferencing, and are placed at clinical sites including hospice, trauma hospital, and community-based settings in their location of residence.  A total of 400 hours of training is completed: 300 hours at the clinical site and 100 hours of education.

Course themes include working with social and psychological systems, intergenerational and ancestral trauma; cultivating resilience through compassion; earth-based practice as a resource for spiritual health; and discovering what it means to be an ethical, clinical leader in the field of professional spiritual care.

  • Fall CPE Program: August to December (15–16 weeks)
  • Spring CPE Program: January to May (15–16 weeks)
  • Extended Fall/Spring CPE Program: August to May (30–32 weeks)
  • Tuition: $2,000 plus fees (up to $200, depending on the site requirements)
  • Class Day(s): Tuesdays and Thursdays, 8:30–noon MST (typically)
  • Clinical Sites: Hospitals, Jails, Community Agencies, Hospices, Congregational/Sangha Settings

Applications are accepted and reviewed on a rolling basis. Non-degree students from all professional backgrounds are encouraged to apply. To inquire further, contact

In the Fall of 2023 Naropa’s Center for Contemplative Chaplaincy was granted full accreditation status as a CPE program by ACPE: The Standard for Spiritual Care and Education. For more information about the ACPE accreditation process visit the ACPE accreditation page.

Learn More About the Program

Geri Anderson head shot

with your counselor

Geri Anderson

Admissions Counselor 

Geri Anderson head shot

with your counselor

Geri Anderson

Admissions Counselor 


This is where experiential learning meets academic rigor. Where you challenge your intellect and uncover your potential. Where you discover the work you’re moved to do—then use it to transform our world.

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Contemplative education brings together the best of Western scholarship and Eastern world wisdom traditions. Therefore, your pursuit of wisdom at Naropa means learning both about academic subjects and about your own place in the world. This innovative approach places Naropa on the cutting edge of the newest and most effective methods of teaching and learning.  

Admissions & Aid

If you’re seeking an education that resonates with both personal fulfillment and global impact, Naropa could be your top choice. At Naropa, you will experience a comprehensive curriculum that integrates the best of Eastern and Western educational approaches. Explore how Naropa can fuel your journey of intellectual and spiritual development.

Life at Naropa

Through its incredibly vibrant and welcoming community,  “Naropa offers a home for those who aren’t willing to conform to convention—the mystic, the healer, the prophet, the rebel, the artist, the revolutionary, the oddball—those who are incredible contributors to the evolution of society and of our planet.”—Core Associate Professor Zvi Ish-Shalom

The Naropa Difference

How is Naropa different from other universities? At Naropa, a liberal arts education balances rigorous academics with powerful interpersonal skills and self-awareness to educate the whole person. Naropa’s contemplative approach is inspired by Buddhist philosophy and the conviction that we can build a diverse, contemplative, enlightened society when we have transformed education to affirm the basic goodness of every person. 

About Naropa

Located in Boulder, Colorado, Naropa University is a Buddhist-inspired, nonsectarian liberal arts university that is recognized as the birthplace of the mindfulness movement. Naropa offers undergraduate and graduate degree programs that emphasize professional and personal growth, intellectual development, and cultivating compassion. 

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Naropa Campuses Closed on Friday, March 15, 2024

Due to adverse weather conditions, all Naropa campuses will be closed Friday, March 15, 2024.  All classes that require a physical presence on campus will be canceled. All online and low-residency programs are to meet as scheduled.

Based on the current weather forecast, the Healing with the Ancestors Talk & Breeze of Simplicity program scheduled for Friday evening, Saturday, and Sunday will be held as planned.

Staff that do not work remotely or are scheduled to work on campus, can work remotely. Staff that routinely work remotely are expected to continue to do so.

As a reminder, notifications will be sent by e-mail and the LiveSafe app.  

Regardless of Naropa University’s decision, if you ever believe the weather conditions are unsafe, please contact your supervisor and professors.  Naropa University trusts you to make thoughtful and wise decisions based on the conditions and situation in which you find yourself in.