Interdisciplinary Studies Major Meets Career
In an increasingly complex world, questions and issues cannot be addressed from single disciplinary perspectives. Interdisciplinary Studies enables students to study, explore, and research between and across disciplines. We build a more holistic way of looking at questions and issues of the 21st century and provide the interdisciplinary tools to work in the world “to meet it and change it for the better.” The Interdisciplinary Studies major enables students to hold more flexible, spontaneous, and open-minded approaches to their career and educational future. Interdisciplinary Studies students are well prepared for graduate studies in many fields. Some of our graduates go on to become film producers, writers, editors, community organizers, social activists, educators, and entrepreneurs.
Discover Career Pathways for BA Interdisciplinary Studies Graduates
Meet Interdisciplinary Studies Graduate Seth Viddal

The Entrepreneurial Mindset: Death as Teacher
“Cultivating mindfulness and compassion, nonattachment to outcome, and approaching life’s possibilities with a beginner’s mind are the greatest lessons I received at Naropa.”—Seth Viddal, INTD Graduate
Employers & Organizations
Social/Community Services
- Nonprofit and social services organizations including: United Way, Red Cross, Goodwill Industries, Salvation Army, etc.
- Immigrant and refugee service providers Migrant service providers
- Hospitals, hospices and clinics
- Residential treatment facilities
- Correctional institutions
- Shelters
- Nursing, retirement, elderly and assisted living facilities
- Youth organizations and camps including YMCA, YWCA, Young Life, Campus Life, etc.
- Churches, synagogues, and mosques Lobby agencies
- Mental health institutions
- Residential treatment facilities
- Private and group practice
- Correctional institutions
- Federal, state, or local government
- Public welfare agencies designed to support minority populations
- Behavioral technician
- Inpatient psycho-educational group leaders
- Private, Waldorf, Charter institutions
- Multicultural education and programming
- Teaching assistants
- Yoga teachers
- Meditation instructors
- Admissions counselor
- Graduate school preparation
Human Services
- Life coaching
- Life skills coaching
- Adult mentorship
- Health and healing practice
- Health and well-being practitioners
- Herbalism
International/Foreign Relations
- International aid and relief
- NGOs
- Nonprofits i.e. refugee organizations, habitat for humanity, vital voices, red cross, care
- Voices or Habitat for Humanity
- Federal government agencies with an international focus, e.g. Peace Corps, USAID and the Foreign Service (State Department)
- Private voluntary organizations
- Humanitarian organizations, e.g. International Red Cross and CARE
- Religious organizations, e.g.World Vision, National Security Council, United Nations
- Radio, television, and film
- Denominational boards/agencies
- Advertising and public relation agencies
- Museums
- Galleries
- University and commercial publishing companies
- Magazine and newspaper publishers • Professional and trade associations
- Electronic media organizations
- Websites
- Journalism
- Being involved in a Nonprofit re: grant writing, fundraising, marketing, outreach, etc.
- Creating your own organization re: education, coaching, wellness initiatives
- Human Resources: diversity/equity/inclusion, training and development, recruitment
- Marketing, public relations, journalism, publishers
- Product and service organizations
- Religious affiliated retail stores
- Consulting firms re: religious/ spirituality, education & advocacy Entrepreneurial/start up, incubators and funding organizations
- Project manager
Career Path Preparedness
Strategies for Success
- Sign up for the Internship class & complete an internship related to your chosen field of study with the help of your mentor. See the Career & Life Development office for the full internship site list and for a variety of different organizations to get involved in.
- Get involved in school leadership groups & resources i.e. SUN, the Naropa community, residence halls, CARE team, CReST, conflict/ mediation support, leadership groups, etc.
- Complete a service learning project aligned with your career goals / path. See your COR professors & advisors for details.
- Align your classes, curriculum, research projects and thesis / capstone projects with your career goals / path.
- Volunteer / familiarize yourself with organizations that align with your career goals & provide the opportunity for hands-on training. • Earn a minor in a specialized field of interest.
- Ensure you have taken any undergraduate prerequisites if you are pursuing a graduate degree..
- Work with a teacher, mentor, etc. to help build your skill set and training in terms of your areas of interest.
- Attend workshops, conferences, MeetUps, panels, etc. to build your connections.
- Obtain skills in business, marketing, technology to increase employment and entrepreneurial options.
- Own your global, cultural and political skills and understanding. Leverage that in securing other careers in a variety of fields i.e. technology, business, marketing, education, government, humanitarian services, etc.
- Understand and practice communicating the transferable and sought-after skills that you acquire from interdisciplinary studies.
- Develop verbal, written, nonverbal and translation competencies in other languages to increase your international relations skill set.
- Work, study, travel abroad to develop intercultural relationships, understanding, humility and sensitivity.
Continuing Education
If you are interested pursuing a graduate degree, there are several things you will want to keep in mind while in your undergraduate studies:
- Academic work, and the way you show up is VERY important. Put in your best effort academically and aim for a high grade point average.
- Relationships matter. REALLY matter. Build positive connections while in the Naropa community with faculty, staff, colleagues, etc. These relationships will continue to support you and you can ask those same people to provide recommendation letters for your graduate degree applications!
- Get experience! A lot of it. Either through academic, internship, volunteer or work opportunities. This will bolster your application and CV immensely!
Alumnx Spotlight
Getting connected with Naropa Alumnx is a great way to build your professional network and resources. Some ways to get involved are:
- Connect with Naropa’s Office of Development and the Alumnx Relations Officer at 303-546-3594 or
- Join Naropa University’s Facebook page
- Visit the Alumnx & Resources page.
- Reach out to Naropa Alumnx on Linkedln
- Attend Career & Life Development events and Alumnx panels