Good Academic Standing, Academic Probation, and Academic Suspension
Program Information
Good Academic Standing
Undergraduate good academic standing requires a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0. Graduate good standing requires a cumulative GPA of 2.7. Grade point average and good academic standing do not guarantee acceptance into an internship. Consult programs for details.
Students can avoid probation and suspension by seeking help from instructors, academic advisors, academic coaches, writing tutors, and fellow students before their academic standing is at risk. The earlier students seek support, the more likely they are to avoid academic difficulty. Students should contact their academic advisor for specific assistance or referrals.
Academic Probation
If a student’s cumulative GPA falls below good academic standing at the end of a term, the Registrar’s Office will notify (1) the provost’s office (graduate) or Naropa College (undergraduate), (2) the student’s academic advisor, (3) the director of financial aid, and (4) the dean of students. Probation status is indicated on transcripts. The student will be placed on academic probation for the following semester, notified of this status in writing by the Registrar’s Office. Students on academic probation have one semester to raise their cumulative GPA to a 2.0 or better (undergraduate) or 2.7 or better (graduate), thereby returning to good academic standing. Therefore, if a student believes they will not meet satisfactory academic progress during the probationary semester, it is strongly recommended that that they reach out to their academic advisor for assistance.
Academic Suspension
Students who do not raise their cumulative GPA to a 2.0 or better (undergraduate) or 2.7 or better (graduate), during the probationary semester will be placed on academic suspension.
Suspension status is indicated on transcripts. Students on academic suspension will be dropped from any registered courses and notified by the Registrar’s Office that they are no longer allowed to enroll in courses for credit at the university. Students on academic suspension are not allowed to use university facilities or participate in activities where “current student” status is required.
Academic Suspension Appeal Process
An academic suspension appeal process is available to students who have been placed on academic suspension. Prior to pursuing a suspension appeal, a student must complete any outstanding course work, such as courses that still have a grade of “I/F” (Incomplete). All unpaid fees and balances and any outstanding Code of Conduct sanctions must be reconciled before the appeal committee will complete the review process.
To initiate an appeal, the student must submit a formal suspension appeal letter, outlining the circumstances that led to suspension as well as the changes the student has implemented to ensure academic success moving forward. The letter should be addressed to the suspension appeal committee, and sent to the student’s academic advisor, who will then convene the committee.
For graduate students, the suspension appeal committee consists of the student’s academic advisor, the provost, the dean of students, and the director of financial aid (if the student receives financial aid). For undergraduate students, the committee consists of the student’s academic advisor, the dean and/or associate dean of Naropa College, the dean of students, the director of undergraduate advising and the director of financial aid (if the student receives financial aid). Based on the nature of the appeal, the student may be asked to meet with one or more of the committee members before a decision is rendered. The committee may identify terms of reinstatement that must be met in order to approve an appeal request.
If an appeal is approved, the Registrar will be notified and the student will be reinstated. Students approved for academic reinstatement will return to the university on academic probation and will be required to complete an academic reinstatement plan outlining all requirements for meeting satisfactory academic progress. Reinstated students will be allowed to continue their studies for additional term(s) in a probationary status as outlined in their academic reinstatement plan. Following successful appeal, students may also be required to meet with the dean of students or their delegate for a reintegration conversation prior to reinstatement.